A Writer’s Getaway

People ask me: How do you do it? How do you keep churning books out year after year? Don’t you ever run out of ideas?

The secret, of course, is to make sure to rejuvenate. To take frequent breaks to spend time with family and friends. And–a few times a year–to get away to one of my happy places.

Ten days ago, I sent in COLD DARK PLACES. And three days later, I spent a week here:


Everyone has their own method for relaxing. Plop me down on any white sand beach where I can hear the waves crashing and I immediately start to unwind. Long walks on the shore, reading, napping and drinking frothy drinks always gets the job done 🙂


I was in a panic after we left because I discovered I’d left the cord to my computer at home. Know what? That was okay. You’d be surprised how much plotting one can get done at the beach. And that snooty elusive muse decided to come along, too (she never can resist a party). Good thing, because edits landed last week so it’s back to work for me tomorrow. That’s okay, though. I’m refreshed and ready to dive back in.

Two bits of news to share: The release date for COLD DARK PLACES has been moved up to Dec. 2018. And PRETTY GIRLS DANCING is going to Italy and the Czech Republic! Like me, my books like to travel 😉


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