I’m not going to lie, I love birthdays and Christmas. What’s not to love about presents? But these days, the best present of all is spending my special day with family. And that’s exactly what we did this weekend. We’re fortunate that all our kids live in the same city a couple hours away. And this weekend they all got babysitters and we went out together Saturday to a new place in their town. As the family expands and grows, it gets increasingly difficult to get everyone together in one place. (And this weekend was no exception, as #2 son and family couldn’t make it.) Still, I’m thankful for a few hours spent together, even if our team sucked it up this weekend, and we didn’t have a win to celebrate.
Moments like these are the most precious presents of all. But tickets to Katy Perry next month…that’s a pretty awesome present, too!
Happy Happy Birthday to you! ?
Thanks so much! It was lovely.